Fund Buyers

Minimise the noise and focus on the areas that matter

The right information. At the right time

Give your fund researchers and IMs the tools and knowledge to maximise client outcomes with third party funds.

Cut out the noise

Build your watchlist so you can ignore the irrelevant

Load charts instantly

No more having to make coffee to wait for something to load

Act on key changes

Never worry about missing a key change in a fund again

Built by practitioners

The fund data platform built by fund researchers

A modern platform for a modernising industry

Most fund data platforms are old, clunky, and only available as a desktop application. You can’t access them  on your mobile. They’re not built for collaboration. Not everyone in your team has access. And even if they did, they’d need a PhD to figure it out. How can your team deliver great results with their hands tied behind their backs?
The state of today’s market is not good enough. Your team needs access to the right data at the right time. So they can make the right decisions.
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Find out how AM Insights can reduce risk & maximise time where it matters

Request a free consultation to find out how AM Insights can help your fund resesrch performance
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